Thursday, July 14, 2011

oh, you pretty things

this is new

As you can tell from my first post in 2008 i'm not quite sure what i'm doing here but i'm willing to give it a shot.

I suppose i'll start out with an introduction post!
Here goes....

My name is Cena Rae (pronounced- SEA NUHH RAY) and i'm 21 years old (almost 22! in august!) i live in tacoma, wa, which if you havent heard of- its about a half hour/45 mins from seattle. i'm naturally a dirty blonde but i dye my hair constantly, its a perk of having a best friend and a mother who are hair stylists.

i'm a big nerd. i play video games, read constantly, watch waaaay too much tv and movies, hang out with boys (my boy & my two best men) i love making wish lists online and hanging out with my cat. her name is pikachu and shes a badass old lady cat who rules my life. i obsess over my favorite movies and tv shows and i'm waaaay too into pop culture. i have four tattoos (two on my fingers, a pinup on my back and a dharma lost symbol on my wrist) and want many many more. i love the art of tattoos and the culture. i take photos constantly and of everything, my friends are really sick of it, but i love it.

i live with my boyfriend and his family and our cat and his parents dog (we live in the basement and are saving up to move into our own place) i've been with my boyfriend, chris for four years but i've known him since i was 12 (we were neighbors, yes, thats right, i moved out of my moms house & right across the street) i love my family and his. my parents are divorced but i'm still close with both of them. my mom lives across the street from me with my little sister who is 11 years old. my dad is just across the narrows bridge in gig harbor with my step mom & two step sisters. my boys family just adds to the people i love, we live with his mom & dad & two younger brothers. lots of family!

i work at an elementary school in the nurse's office taking care of all the little kiddies who are uncoordinated and have hurt themselves. i love kids and i love my job but my true love is magazines. i love everything about them and i would die to work at one of my favorite mags. i'm an amateur collager and have had 5 of my collages in NYLON magazine.

basically i plan on making this blog an inspiration blog so expect plenty of posts about fashion, writing, magazines, art, photography, tattoos, vintage, thrifting, movies, cooking, tacoma, cats, etc.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

je ne sais pas

i have no idea what im doing.

but im going to do it.